Epic Rap Battles of History Wiki
Amy Bury
Amy Bury
Actor information
Full name Amy Leann Bury
Born August 1, 1984 (age 40)
Minnesota, United States
YouTube Channel Amy Bury
Physical description
Hair Blonde
Eyes Green
Appearance information
Appeared in Rick Grimes vs Walter White
As A walker

Amy Bury portrayed a walker in Rick Grimes vs Walter White alongside Neil Blan, Tom Walsh, and Ray Timmons.

Information on the actress

Amy Leann Bury was born on August 1st, 1984, in Minnesota, United States. She is an American actress, writer, graphic designer, animator, improviser, and former member of M.i.'s Westside Comedy Theater. Bury has appeared in several films and television series, such as Sunset Rock, Hellevator, and Feminist Police. She currently works as a freelance designer/animator at Little Amy Designs.


Season 3:

