Epic Rap Battles of History Wiki
Basketball Court
MJ Basketball Court
Michael Jordan at the Basketball Court
Rap battle information
Appeared in Michael Jordan vs Muhammad Ali
Character(s) Michael Jordan
Release date December 3, 2013
Times appeared 1
Based on
Basketball base on

The Basketball Court was the location where Michael Jordan rapped in Michael Jordan vs Muhammad Ali.

Information on the Location

In basketball, the basketball court is the field on which the game is played, consisting of a rectangular, symmetrical floor with one basket at either end of the field. Basketball courts have three-point arcs at both baskets. A shot in the basket made from behind this arc is worth three points and a shot made from inside this arc is worth two points. In the NBA, the court is 94 by 50 feet (28.65 by 15.24 meters). The baskets are always 10 feet (3.05 meters) above the ground. The sizes of the courts, and the heights of the rim differ for youth and high school fields. Some basketball courts exist with only one basket and one half of the field, different types of basketball can be played there. These types of courts are often found outside.

Appearance in the Rap Battle

This is the location where Michael Jordan rapped. While Jordan was rapping, the city streets of Chicago could be seen (a reference to the fact that Jordan played for the Chicago Bulls from 1984 - 1993 and again from 1995 - 1998), with traffic bustling about. Many Michael Jordans can be seen playing basketball in the background.


  • On the pole of the basketball hoop, a poster of the Cat in the Hat with the text "ERB" can be seen. Nice Peter said the image used for this was taken from the Wiki.
    • This poster is a parody of the NBA logo.