Epic Rap Battles of History Wiki
Death Star

Death Star Garbage CompactorLuke Skywalker and J. J. Abrams in a garbage compactor

Death Star ExteriorLuke Skywalker in a X-Wing in front of the Death Star

Rap battle information
Appeared in Harry Potter vs Luke Skywalker
Character(s) Luke Skywalker
J. J. Abrams
A Sith Trooper
Darth Vader
Emperor Palpatine
Release date December 5, 2020
Times appeared 1
Based on

The Death Star is where Luke Skywalker rapped his second verse in Harry Potter vs Luke Skywalker.

Information on the location[]

Death Stars were gargantuan space stations armed with a planet-destroying superlaser. They are often welded by the Galactic Empire.

Appearance in the rap battle[]

This is where Luke Skywalker rapped in his second verse. It housed him, R2-D2, Darth Vader, and Emperor Palpatine in the Throne Room before Luke throws Palpatine into the Death Star's reactor core. Luke also made an appearance in a trash compactor during Harry Potter's second verse, getting crushed by J. J. Abrams with a Sith Trooper standing by.
