Epic Rap Battles of History Wiki
Bentley Green
Bentley Green
Actor information
Full name Bentley Green
Born March 13, 2001 (age 23)
Dallas, Texas
YouTube Channel Bentley Green
Physical description
Hair Black
Eyes Brown
Appearance information
Appeared in Michael Jackson vs Elvis Presley
As Michael Jackson (young version)
The Jackson Five
Tootie Ramsey

Bentley Green portrayed young Michael Jackson, The Jackson Five, and Tootie Ramsey in Michael Jackson vs Elvis Presley.

Information on the actor

Bentley Green was born on March 13th, 2001, in Dallas, Texas. He is an entertainer, rapper, singer, actor, and YouTuber. He first gained national fame by performing for millions of viewers on The Ellen DeGeneres Show and The Maury Povich Show.


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