Epic Rap Battles of History Wiki
Rap battle information
Appeared in Barack Obama vs Mitt Romney
Stephen King vs Edgar Allan Poe
Bruce Banner vs Bruce Jenner
Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton
Freddy Krueger vs Wolverine
John Wick vs John Rambo vs John McClane
Lara Croft vs Indiana Jones
Henry Ford vs Karl Marx
Character(s) Abe Lincoln
Barack Obama
Mitt Romney
A bald eagle
Stephen King
Edgar Allan Poe
Bruce Banner/The Hulk
Donald Trump
Hillary Clinton
Jason Voorhees
Edward Scissorhands
John Rambo
John Wick
John McClane
Sam Trautman
Indiana Jones
The swordsman
Henry Ford
Karl Marx
Release date October 15, 2012 (Barack Obama vs Mitt Romney)
June 2, 2014 (Stephen King vs Edgar Allan Poe)
June 29, 2016 (Bruce Banner vs Bruce Jenner)
October 26, 2016 (Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton)
April 20, 2019 (Freddy Krueger vs Wolverine)
December 18, 2021 (John Wick vs John Rambo vs John McClane)
October 25, 2022 (Lara Croft vs Indiana Jones)
December 1, 2023 (Henry Ford vs Karl Marx)
Times appeared 8
Based on
Forest Based On

Several forests have appeared as a location in multiple Epic Rap Battles of History episodes.

Information on the location

Forests are natural biomes, identified as a large area of land covered with trees and undergrowth.

Appearances in the rap battles

Season 2:

Season 3:

Season 5:

Season 6:

Season 7:

