Epic Rap Battles of History Wiki
Jose Mendoza
Jose Mendoza
Crew information
Full name Jose Mendoza
Nickname(s) Jay
Born January 10, 1989 (age 29)
Venice, California
YouTube Channel jay mendoza
Physical description
Hair Black
Eyes Brown
Appearance information
Appeared in Gandhi vs Martin Luther King Jr.
As A Civil Rights March Extra (scrapped)
Job in the production
Duration Nice Peter vs EpicLLOYD to Donald Trump vs Ebenezer Scrooge
Behind the scenes of Gandhi vs Martin Luther King Jr., Nikola Tesla vs Thomas Edison, and Rasputin vs Stalin
As Production assistant
Behind the scenes camera (Gandhi vs Martin Luther King Jr., Nikola Tesla vs Thomas Edison, and Rasputin vs Stalin)

Jose Mendoza was originally set to portray a Civil Rights March Extra in Gandhi vs Martin Luther King Jr., as shown in an exclusive video of the battle from the official Epic Rap Battles of History Website; however, it was ultimately scrapped.

Information on the actor

Jose "Jay" Mendoza was born on January 10th, 1989, in Venice, California. He worked as a production assistant for the Epic Rap Battles of History crew from Nice Peter vs EpicLLOYD to Donald Trump vs Ebenezer Scrooge. Mendoza was also credited for working the Behind the Scenes camera for Gandhi vs Martin Luther King Jr., Nikola Tesla vs Thomas Edison, and Rasputin vs Stalin. Additionally, he was involved with the transportation and construction of the block of carbonite that Adolf Hitler was frozen in for Hitler vs Vader 2, as well as the transportation of the double bass used by Mozart in Mozart vs Skrillex. His website can be found here.


Season 2:


  • Despite his appearance in Gandhi vs Martin Luther King Jr. being scrapped, Mendoza was still credited in the description of the battle as one of the Civil Rights March Extras.

