Epic Rap Battles of History Wiki
Logan Burdick
Logan Burdick
Crew information
Full name Logan Burdick
Born January 19, 1985 (age 32)
Physical description
Hair Dark brown
Eyes Brown
Role on the production
Duration Donald Trump vs Ebenezer Scrooge
Behind the scene of Hitler vs Vader 3 to Donald Trump vs Ebenezer Scrooge
As Visual effects (Donald Trump vs Ebenezer Scrooge)
Cinematographer (behind the scenes)]]

Logan Burdick is a writer, director, editor, producer, and former member of the Epic Rap Battles of History crew. He worked in the camera and electrical department as a cinematographer for six Behind the Scenes videos from Hitler vs Vader 3 to Donald Trump vs Ebenezer Scrooge. He also did the visual effects for Donald Trump vs Ebenezer Scrooge. Currently residing in Los Angeles, California, Burdick is the owner of Dawn Machine Digital, a new media production company responsible for over 200 episodes of digital video content. His website can be found here.

