Sam Macaroni | |
Actor information | |
Full name | Samuel Maccarone |
Born | March 14, 1975 (age 49) California, United States |
YouTube Channel | SamMacaroni |
Physical description | |
Hair | Black |
Eyes | Brown |
Appearance information | |
Appeared in | Lewis and Clark vs Bill and Ted |
As | Rufus (body actor) |
Sam Macaroni portrayed Rufus in Lewis and Clark vs Bill and Ted.
Information on the actor
Samuel Maccarone was born on March 14th, 1975, in California, United States. He is a filmmaker, director, producer, actor, editor, and writer. His YouTube channel gained him over 16 million views and over 220 thousand subscribers. He helped the Epic Rap Battles of History crew on various occasions when in need of rare equipment/props/costumes; for example, he located the proton packs required for the Ghostbusters in Ghostbusters vs Mythbusters through the Ghostbusters fan community. He also provided the costume for RoboCop used in Terminator vs Robocop.
Season 4:
- Rufus (body actor, cameo)
- Macaroni has collaborated with Timothy DeLaGhetto, who portrayed Kim Jong-il in Hulk Hogan and Macho Man vs Kim Jong-il and Sun Tzu in Eastern Philosophers vs Western Philosophers. He has also collaborated with Ray William Johnson, who voiced Boba Fett in Hitler vs Vader 3 and portrayed Goku in Goku vs Superman, on his Your Favorite Martian song, "PUPPET BREAK-UP".[1]