Epic Rap Battles of History Wiki
Skate park

Tony Hawk in a skate park
Rap battle information
Appeared in Tony Hawk vs Wayne Gretzky
Character(s) Tony Hawk
Wayne Gretzky
Release date December 12, 2016
Times appeared 1
Based on

A skate park is where Tony Hawk rapped in Tony Hawk vs Wayne Gretzky. It is also where Wayne Gretzky made an appearance.

Information on the location

Skate parks are a communal meeting ground for people that participate in the sports of skateboarding, rollerskating, and BMX cycling. They are traditionally constructed of different kinds of ramps and other skating structures that allow for participants to practice different kinds of tricks. These can include ramps, handrails, half-pipes, and spine transfers.

Appearance in the rap battle

This is where Tony Hawk rapped throughout the battle, except for the latter half of his first verse, during which he rapped in Tony Hawk's American Wasteland. Wayne Gretzky also appeared here during the line, "I mean, look at that thing! That slope is gigantic!"
