Epic Rap Battles of History Wiki
The Brady Bunch title sequence
The Brady Bunch Title Sequence
Stevie Wonder's children and Wonder Woman in The Brady Bunch title sequence
Rap battle information
Appeared in Wonder Woman vs Stevie Wonder
Character(s) Wonder Woman
Stevie Wonder
Yolanda Simmons
Melody McCulley
Karen Millard Morris
Stevie Wonder's unidentified fourth partner (Paramjeet Singh used as stand-in)
Tomeeka Robyn Bracy
Aisha Morris
Keita Morris
Mumtaz Morris
Sophia Morris
Kwame Morris
Kailand Morris
Mandla Kadjay Carl Stevland Morris
Zaiah Morris
Nia Morris
Release date November 28, 2016
Times appeared 1
Based on
The Brady Bunch Title Sequence Based On

The Brady Bunch title sequence is where Wonder Woman and Stevie Wonder briefly rapped in Wonder Woman vs Stevie Wonder. This is also where Stevie Wonder's children and partners made their cameo appearance.

Information on the location

The Brady Bunch was an American sitcom that aired during the late 60s and early 70s. The show revolved around the Brady family, a blended family with six children. The show had five seasons until its cancellation in 1974 and is considered as one of the last of the old-style family sitcoms. The title sequence features video head shots of the regular cast in a three-by-three grid, with each cast member appearing to look at the other cast members. The sequence used the then-new "multi-dynamic image technique" created by Canadian filmmaker Christopher Chapman; as a result of the popular attention it garnered, it has been referred to in the press as "the Brady Bunch effect". In a 2010 issue of TV Guide, the show's opening title sequence ranked number eight on a list of TV's top-10 credits sequences.

Appearance in the rap battle

This is the location where Wonder Woman briefly rapped during the line "9 different kids with 5 different mothers!" Stevie Wonder's children appear in the grid, mimicking the TV show. Wonder's former partners then angrily enter the grid, before Wonder himself enters during the line, "You couldn't walk in my shoes, so stick to your re-boots," pushing his family out.


  • This is the fifteenth location to be shared by all rappers during the battle.
  • At sixteen, this location has the third-most characters in it, after the African Savanna and Disney Castle.
    • If Main Street is counted to be one location for both sides, it is the fourth-most.
    • This location has the most individual characters in it.

