Epic Rap Battles of History Wiki
The Moon
Rap battle information
Appeared in Billy Mays vs Ben Franklin
Christopher Columbus vs Captain Kirk
Stephen King vs Edgar Allan Poe
Steven Spielberg vs Alfred Hitchcock
The Joker vs Pennywise
Character(s) Stanley Kubrick
Release date December 15, 2014
Times appeared 1 (5 including background appearances)
Based on

The Moon is where Stanley Kubrick rapped in Steven Spielberg vs Alfred Hitchcock.

Information on the location

The Moon (Latin: Luna) is the large astronomical object that circles the Earth and shines at night by reflecting light from the Sun. It is also Earth's only natural satellite. Although not the largest natural satellite in the solar system, it is, among the satellites of major planets, the largest relative to the size of the object it orbits.

Appearance in the rap battle

The Moon appears during Kubrick's verse. In the lead-up to his verse, he can be seen riding Danny Torrance's tricycle (from The Shining) onto the Moon. During the later half of Kubrick's verse, psychedelic colors appear behind the Moon, a reference to the Stargate sequence in another of his films, 2001: A Space Odyssey.

