Epic Rap Battles of History Wiki

Previously on Gang Wikifare[]

*Weavile holds up a folder with the name Evol on it*

Weavile: Looks like him and Tiger have been here before...they must be spies for Scraw


*The scene changes to show Scraw stood over the bodies of Bandicoot, Owl and Sceptile*

CE: My lord...

Scraw: You survive, CE, you know nothing of my plans...


GG: Highway robbery, my friend, she had something I really needed

*GG leans down and takes the coin from her pocket*

GG: 3 down...4 to go


*Eyes leads them around the shadows of the compounds buildings suddenly Emokkon stumbles*

Emokkon: Arghhhhhhhh

Pixelette: What's happening? Emokkon! No!

*Emokkon evaporates*


*Scraw charges at Bob and they clash, the camera blinded by light*


The Story[]

*Eyes, Pixelette, TK and Jag stand outside the compound looking up at the city as it burns under the light*

Eyes: What is that?

TK: Scraw often spoke of a secret weapon...a Chained God

Eyes: No...

Jag: What does it mean?

Eyes: It means everyone in that compound is in great danger

Jag: Bantha...

Pixelette: Pixel!

*Pixel stumbles out of the compound, supporting a wounded CW and Weavile*

Eyes: Pixel!

*Pixelette, Eyes and TK run over to him*

Pixel: Pixelette! Oh god it's you!

*Pixel hugs Pixelette tight*

Pixel: I thought I'd never see you again

Pixelette: I didn't, I knew you would come for me, brother

Pixel: I did. I would have come to get you myself if I could have.

Pixelette: I'm just glad you're here now

Pixel: And TK, my old friend

*Pixel pulls TK into a hug*

Pixel: It has been too long

TK: Yes, my Lord

Pixel: Enough of that, you have spent so long a prisoner supporting my sister. I am no longer your master, I am your brother!

TK: Th-thank you...brother

Pixel: Now, my two friends need medical treatment

Eyes: I have called Intru and Mat down, they will look after them

Pixel: Are these the only survivors

*A scream is heard off camera*

Eyes: That sounded like Sierra!

Jag: Quick!

*Jag, TK and Eyes run along the wall and see Sierra crouching next to the wall, crying*

Eyes: Sierra!

Sierra: No. No! NO!

Jag: What happened?

Sierra: Damaster...he's gone...

Jag: oh shit...I'm so sorry, Sierra

Sierra: He can't be...not forever...no...

Eyes: Sierra....

Sierra: Why? Why did he have to...to die?!?

Jag: Come on, Sierra, let's get you back to the group

Sierra: *Sniffles*

Eyes: Go on Jag...take her...

*Jag walks back with Sierra leaving Eyes and TK alone*

TK: What's happening?

Eyes: I...I don't know...

TK: Come on dude, let's wait for more survivors

Eyes: If there's any more survivors...


*Damaster is lying on the floor of a dark room, his shape is shimmery, a man is stood over him*

Damaster: Where am I?

Man 1: You are safe, you are with me

Damaster: Where's Sierra?

Man 1: She is alive

Damaster: What does that mean? I'm not?

Man 1: No...you are dead, I am sorry to bring such sad news

Damaster: If I'm dead then what is this place?

Man 1: This is the Chat, Hall of the Heroes of Wikiland, and I am it's Lord

Damaster: What is your name?

Man 1: My title is too long, you may call me Lerooy


*Pixel, Eyes and Sierra are stood at one side of a camp*

Pixel: Still no more survivors

Sierra: Who else has got here since me?

Pixel: Intru and Matoro came down with BreZ, Mind and that Many guy...

Eyes: He's an enemy

Pixel: He also lost two of his best friends, we need to be lenient

Sierra: Besides, he's a mercenary, and he worked with BTTF, he might have leads on where he might have run to

Eyes: I suppose...

Sierra: Who else?

Pixel: Just Fire...most of our men are still in there...we only have one of Scraw's soldiers accounted for

Sierra: And no sighting of Scraw, Bob or Kaze

*Pixel's walkie talkie starts crackling*

Eyes: Pixel!

*Pixel holds his walkie talkie up*

Pixel: Hello? Anyone there?

Truth: *Down walkie talkie* Help me, Pixel. They're coming. So fast. You have to run. Get out! Argh!

*The walkie talkie goes dead*

Pixel: Shit...

Eyes: We need to get back to the Vilage

Sierra: Why?

Pixel: Truth told us something was coming...whatever it was may just have killed him...we can't take a risk here

Eyes: Besides, any other survivors are likely to head to the village

Sierra: I suppose...

Eyes: Pixel, you take TK, Intru and CW on ahead, Sierra will help get the medical team and their patients moving

Sierra: What will you do?

Eyes: Find out what we are fighting and why it cost Truth and Damaster their lives

Pixel: Stay safe, Eyes

Eyes: I'm no longer sure that's possible


*GG stands, looking at the camp, Truth's dead body in his hands, a smile on his face*

GG: Tick Tock, Tick Tock, Tick Tock

*Laughs maniacally*


*Pixel, TK, CW and Intru are wandering through the camp, guns at the ready*

Intru: It's deserted

CW: I don't think so....

Pixel: I agree with CW, it feels empty yet also...crowded

Intru: Piet was meant to be keeping up communications back here

Pixel: So where is he...

CW: He wouldn't just leave

TK: Guys....

*TK calls the guys across to a house and points at the table*

Pixel: Holy shit...

Intru: That's Isaac...

CW: How did his body get all the way up here?

*A gun is cocked behind them*

???: There's a simple answer to that, bitches


*The corridor is dark, a few figures can be just made out*

???: Can't believe his compound was this big and didn't have a backup light system

???: Shush, Alpha, we need to get out of here. Chespin, Nail, do you still have Evol?

Nail: Yeah, but we need to get him to the medical base

???: We can't go outside

Chespin: We have to, Tov

Tov: I won't allow any more of us to die

Alpha: We aren't asking your permission

*A set of lights flicker on*

Chespin: Thank god

Nail: Now we can find our way out

*A crash comes from further down the corridor*

Nail: What was that?

Alpha: It's probably nothing

*A shadow appears behind the group, they don't notice*

Tov: Still...we should get moving

Nail: Can someone else support Evol...he's heavy

Alpha: I don't see why we are helping him, he's a traitor

Tov: Eyes deserves to talk to the person who killed his best friend

Chespin: Yeah...exactly...

*Another crash comes from down the corridor*

Nail: That's definitely not the wind

Tov: Guns out, get ready to fire

*Suddenly a figure appears at the end of the corridor*

Mike: Why hello there

*Mike grins evilly*


*Phil sits down next to the campfire. Pixel, Intru, TK and CW are already sat*

Phil: I know it's strange guys...I remember darkness...when I was...dead...then the next thing I knew was light and...and Scraw was talking to me about a battle

Intru: Scraw brought you back from the dead

Phil: Yeah...anyways I tracked down the person who killed me and...and...

Pixel: And what?

*Theres a gunshot and Phil falls forward, grasping at his chest. BTTF is stood behind him with Zombie and Liz behind him*

BTTF: And that's the end of Phil's story


*Tov and his group stare at Mike*

Tov: Who are you?

Mike: I am a friend, I come to help you

Nail: how can you be here? We already searched the area...

Mike: I'm special, now, if you want to get out you have to do exactly as I say

Tov: And what do you want?

Mike: Payment


*BTTF points his guns at the remaining four*

BTTF: Weapons down

*TK, Pixel, CW and Intru put their weapons to the ground*

BTTF: Good. I am sorry Phil had to die but his time was over

CW: I heard you were one of Scraw's lackeys

Pixel: Thats not just one of his lackeys, that's BTTF. I heard you ran away to the city

BTTF: I did for a time, it was necessary for me to come back

Pixel: Did Scraw come calling?

BTTF: He saved my life Pixel. I needed to pay my debt

Pixel: So what brings you here? Did your saviour scare you?

BTTF: He killed Bandicoot, Sceptile and Owl. I knew I'd be next.

Pixel: So what? You ran away to kill Phil?

BTTF: His time was up, it had been up for a while

Intru: That wasn't your decision

BTTF: Nor was it Scraw's decision to bring him back to life. Phil will be lauded in the Chat. He will be made a hero.

Intru: Myths and fables

Pixel: Shush Intru. Im guessing you didn't come here just to kill Phil, BTTF. What else brought you?

BTTF: Zombie saw a prophecy...he saw my three with one of you...on a mountain...the mountain

Pixel: No...it can't be...

CW: What?

Pixel: Scraw told us stories...one day the coins would be gathered and the full force of the 7 would be brought forth...they must be collected on the Mountain of the Four Stars

BTTF: Someone is collecting the coins

Pixel: Why does that involve us

Zombie: Because the one you call CW is meant to be there with us

CW: What?

BTTF: Zombie has seen it

Pixel: CW...

CW: What does he mean, Pixel?

Pixel: Zombie is a seer...he can see the future...

CW: And he saw me going with them

Zombie: Yes

*CW stands*

CW: Then I must go

Pixel: CW! No!

CW: If this is where the coins will be then I will find piet there...or at least know what happened to him...I have to go

Pixel: If...if you insist

CW: I do

*CW goes to stand behind BTTF and Zombie*

Pixel: Good luck, CW

CW: Likewise

BTTF: We need to be going

*The group turns and walks away from the fire*

Pixel: So long CW...


*Tov is confronting Mike*

Tov: What does payment mean?

Mike: It means I need paying...you have to escort me to a mountain and then you will receive your reward

Nail: Sounds pretty easy

Mike: Believe me, it isn't

Nail: Oh

Tov: You'll get us out of here if we take you to a mountain?

Mike: Of course

Tov: Then that's a deal

Mike: Excellent...then may I introduce you to my associates, Patts and Avenger

*Patts and Avenger step into the corridor*

Mike: Follow me...


*GG is approaching Eyes from the back*

GG: Tick Tock goes the clock, time is getting shorter

*GG pulls out a knife*

GG: Tick Tock goes the clock

*The screen goes black*

GG: Now Eyes is getting slaughtered

*Blood runs down the black screen*

Next Time on Gang Wikifare!

BTTF: The mountain is a weeks walk from here

CW: And when do we need to be there?

BTTF: In less than a week...

Pixel: In the absence of Bob and Kaze it is my duty to take control...we have lost many good men...now i will lead an expedition of 10 of my most trusted men to the Mountain of Four Stars...

Tkid: I am going to kill that son of a bitch
