Epic Rap Battles of History Wiki
MetalFire vs LemonCore
Battle information
Release date 12/06/2020
Previous Joe vs Amy
Beat Information
Beat(s) The Beat
Other information
Rappers Vi


We are now on the 3 final days of finishing battles. I do hope people can keep up with it. I am fairly certain that at least one battle will be released no earlier than the 15th, if not later. You know who I'm talking to you scoundrel. Or maybe everyone will be good boys on time. Early Christmas miracle. But I guess that would also break tourney traditions.

But first off to start this train is a battle with a tourney newcomer, so lets welcome him. On one side we have, the tourney rookie, likes to eat cookies, hates Shrek 2 key, LemonCore. On the other side, we have the 5th Tourney Hero, stans the Chihiro, leaves Stitches like Leroy, MetalFire.

Paddy: Hewwo gamers uwu time for anothew wap battle, this time between Wemon and Vi in the thiwd battle of the ninth wiki tourney unu

Indeed. Who will win then. The weeb gal or the literature guy. Who will eat ass like James Franco and drive over the opponent like Honda Odyssey. We will see.

The Beat is advised as usual.


Again I’m fighting a zoomer user I don’t even know.

You said it yourself, you got no personality though!

Oh please Leafy-lite, those “epic” covers aint shit bro.

Rebrand the LC to LowCost since you're the discount Leandro.

That Ebert battle was so shit I’d give it a triple thumbs down!

Always acting like a fool James FranCo-Co The Clown!

I wouldn’t be making those arrogant comments if I were you.

Cause when you poke my thorns, I’ll be the one in round two!


Try to reap Lemon’s seeds, you get the slickest spitter in this!

You’re too sweet, Clementine. Best not’ve bit this bitter citrus!

Who is this? Mortal sent a groupie to lose to me?

Did I miss Trans Visibility Day? Never seen U, V!

I feast on these beats. You scarf down grease and carbs, sheesh!

This creepy weeb’s beef is so weak, I’m thinking ARBs.

It takes one round to put you out. Sparing Five, the fight’s set!

You’ll be no more once I’ve shot Fire: Vi check.


Wow you’re only funny in trying to best me in rhyme!

Somehow more obnoxious than your kin from Adventure Time!

You had one Devil to dance with, aw how lovely.

Then he got the boot leaving you a solo Lemon Party!

A bully bullied by the challenged rap challenger!

So keep the ableist remarks to yourself my good sir!

I’m what I eat so I’m raw as fuck in any battle I’m on!

Sliced and served you bitch call it a Filet Lémon!


Nice to add some variety to your diet, mon ami

But you’ll stay cheesy long as you take slices at LC!

You can’t script for shit. This bitch wrote fanfics on a wiki!

Your raps are like your favorite movies: they just pacify Hippies!

I’d say watch your tone, but I saw the videos you’re making

And I can name a few reasons why you need vocal training!

With that, I’m ending this with my trademark Racist Diss™!

I’d have faced Toxic if I wanted to waste a FAKE-ASS SPIC

-y bitch

Wow erm I really hope I won't get banned for this. I'm just the messenger Barry and Banth, please ban Lemon in the case of emergency. Kids please don't use racial slurs in epic rap battles of history, that is not cool. Either way, Vi might have came with the direct punches but Lemon was riding more on the comedy side. Which one won you over? That is up to you to decide. Please comment down below and look forward to the next battle which will probably be today too. Hopefully.

Logo WIP Take 2
Jella141 vs ABunchofNumbersJoeaikman vs Amy CloverMetalFire vs LemonCoreMortal5075 vs ERBofSmosheryDark Cyan vs Brandon Service DFSierraStalker vs Kungfuguy27Bobdave vs Obamabot 3000JakeTheManiac vs Amontgomery1432

BONUS Amy Clover vs Mortal5075 JKGame vs GreenToxic

Dark Cyan vs ABunchofNumbersJoeaikman vs SierraStalkerAmontgomery1432 vs LemonCoreBobdave vs ERBofSmoshery

BONUS Dark Cyan vs Amontgomery1432Amy Clover vs MetalFire 2

ERBofSmoshery vs LemonCoreABunchofNumbers vs Joeaikman

BONUS Joeaikman vs LemonCore

ERBofSmoshery vs ABunchofNumbers
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