Epic Rap Battles of History Wiki

hi it's a tourney

with Tigerisnormal and Alanomaly



Alanomaly vs Tigerisnormal[]

The beat starts around 0:22 when the bass drops.


I'm no scientist, but this giant bitch 'gainst the finalist from last time?

No need for MunKitteh alliances, this is how you're gonna die:

Stomp this fucker stalking Jason like a lover for covers

I see a lack of this loner moving rounds up a number

Skill monopoly, an anomaly of a lyrical atrocity

I taunt at thee; in joke debates, I’ve seen more ferocity

Face off with me? That’s Rich, Alan! I'll devour this generic Nietzsche!

Here's a Thing to Know: Imma leave ya like your series, speechless


Y'know, you and my raps are like The Lion King's Scar:

You'd make a nice throw rug and my bars leave scars.

Good raps are spots and you've got stripes,

They don't go together at all so get off of this mic.

Being normal is the most boring thing through an anomaly's eyes.

I thought I had a perverted mind but, man, yours is oversexualized.

I'm winning this battle I gather but I also have a hunch

That if you brought in Bantha I could take Munkitteh all at once!


Your disses, all fan fiction! Surely, rap’s not your calling

You’ve done harsher mauling in your first battle installment

Forgotten as a user, tourney rapping as a loser,

Only ones voting for you are your Wiki’s contributors


I respect the way you wrote Jefferson vs Yagami,

But when I'm done with your bouncey trouncey assy,

You'll be thrown away like the rest of Christopher Robin's trashy

Toys and forgotten like the Deez Nuts joke, got eem!


Vote in the comments. Thx.