Epic Rap Battles of History Wiki

The game has been moved to a new blog. Please continue playing here.

US Presidents Hurt/Heal Game
Days Passed: 15
Last Update: Heal Eisenhower, hurt Bush by McDamon23

The Rules

  1. You may take an action every day (24 hours).
  2. Your action must contain one president to hurt and one to heal. No double healing or hurting for now.
  3. AWC votes are not counted. You must be a registered user.
  4. Every president except Grover Cleveland starts with 10 HP. The maximum HP cap is 50.
  5. The 22nd president, Grover Cleveland, will start at 5 HP. His HP cap is 25. After dying for the first time, he will come back for his second term as the 24th president.
  6. Additional rules may be added later.

The Battleground

