Epic Rap Battles of History Wiki
Vulcan's Forge
Vulcan's Forge
Captain Kirk on Vulcan's Forge
Rap battle information
Appeared in Christopher Columbus vs Captain Kirk
Character(s) Captain Kirk
A hot alien
Release date October 10, 2011
Times appeared 1
Based on
Vulcan's Forge Based On

Vulcan's Forge is where Captain Kirk rapped and where a hot alien made a cameo appearance in Christopher Columbus vs Captain Kirk.

Information on the location

Vulcan's Forge (or simply The Forge) is a vast desert canyon on the planet Vulcan. The location used resembles The Forge during the year 2154. A hot alien is the only life form that is shown residing here.

Appearance in the rap battle

This is the location where Captain Kirk rapped. Kirk is seen here kissing and punching a hot alien during his second verse.
